I sent the following letter to:
Tennessee Senator - Bob Corker
Tennessee Senator - Lamar Alexander
Tennessee's 8th District - John Tanner
Senator / Congressman,
With the jump of Presidential hopefuls all of a sudden coming from every direction, there have been many political issues that have also been brought to the forefront.
It is my belief that only Democrats, who lean a little to the Right, and Republicans, who lean a little to the Left, will EVER be able to work together for the GOOD of Our Country.
Immigration Reform is a huge concern for many Americans. Something must be done to secure our borders.
Every citizen of the United States has a Social Security Number and they are in "The System." It doesn't make much sense that we have what, 12,000,000 or so, Illegal Imagrants that we have very little or No information on.
The task of deporting Illegal Immigrants is too great to take on all at once, but we must start a system of either deporting Illegal Aliens once their status is discovered and/or set up a program to help people, who meet Certain Guidelines, become American Citizens.
I strongly believe that anyone who hires an Illegal Alien, for any reason that defies the law, should face Very stiff penalties. We must stop making it worth it to the companies and the Illegal Immigrants to take these risk.
I believe that our border guards MUST be given the authority to do their jobs without fear of their own government. I am appalled by the treatment and imprisonment of our US Border Guards who were imprisoned for trying to stop Criminals. It is Outrageous that OUR Government made a deal with the Illegal Alien CRIMINALS in order to prosecute OUR Border Guards! If these guards are still in jail, they should be released immediately. Something has to be done about this situation so that our border guards can do their jobs without fear of their own government.
Most Americans, myself included, have no problem with people coming to our country legally. WELCOME and WELL DONE!! I hope that all of their dreams come true in the Greatest Country on Earth. Some of my dear friends are here legally from Mexico. Most are now citizens and are doing very well in our country. I am thrilled for them. Those who enter and stay in this country illegally are putting a tremendous burden on this country at a very high cost to its Citizens.
My fear is that some politicians will do what they think is best for their political career, rather than doing what is best for the country. Think about it, if a politician were to vote to make 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens Citizens . . . . .Well Then . . . .That would be a Guaranteed 12,000,000 votes for that party come election time.
The American people are exhausted by politicians who only look to further themselves politically rather than doing the job that they were hired by the people to do.
Now about the "War." The "HR" and the Senate have all of the important information on this subject. I know that the war is not very popular right now, but you must answer these questions first before pulling our troops out and bringing them home. What is going to happen in Iraq if we leave now, and what might happen here, on our own soil, if we turn a blind eye? I just don't want us to look back in hindsight, after we have brought our troops home, and realize that we have made a mistake and that there may have been a better answer out there somewhere. I know that people are saying that they want our troops home right now, but what I think they may really mean is that they want something that will WORK right now. Yes, I believe that change is needed, I just don't want us to rush to judgement just to regret it later.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Letters Sent . . . . .
Posted by
4:02 AM
Labels: News, Politics, War On Terrorism
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Great letter, I'm just as concerened about illigal immigration as I am the war. Something must be done. I don't believe the Democrats ever will do anything about it though, means more votes for them. I also agree we must support our border agents. The ones in jail need to be pardoned and the prosecuter of them fired!!!!
And the war!! The democrats mack me sick, they are doing their damn best to sell out this country.
Hun . . .I hope that you are wrong about the democrats, but I fear that you may be right.
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