I watched The O'Reilly Factor yesterday and felt compelled to send in an email to Bill. I Never do send emails . . .or at least I never have before . . .I think here lately I am getting all riled up about so many issues that I just feel like I have to do something . . .Anything. That is one of the reasons that I started this blog . . . .so that I would have a place to come and vent my feelings and frustrations.
If you happened to miss the exchange between Bill and Geraldo, check out The O'Reilly Factor listed under my Favorites on the sidebar.
OH . . .And if you are not a Bill fan, as I am, don't worry . . .If you don't like what he has to say, he will most certainly have "Someone" on his show that will oppose his view. That is why I Love FOX News! All sides are represented on this news channel.
Hello Mr. O'Reilly,
I must say that all the shouting between you and Geraldo Rivera made my jaw drop. I did however enjoy the exchange. It gave a perfect view of how passionate you Both are on such issues.
I did understand what Geraldo was trying to say about the story being about "Drunk Drivers" and not "Illegal Aliens" . . . . .BUT . . .I believe that he was missing the point.
The point being that, in This ONE Instance, the deaths of these girls could have been avoided had the Immigration Laws been enforced.
Of course the issue of drunk drivers is a serious issue, but THIS particular drunk driver never should have been driving on a road in the United States to begin with.
Now what makes this story even more sad is the fact that until something "REAL" is done about the Immigration problem in the United States, there will be more stories like this in the future. There are criminals in every race and culture, so it only stands to reason that the more illegal aliens that make their way into our country, the higher the chance of a criminal element entering the country along with those who are just looking for a better life for themselves.
We have enough criminals in this country as it is. We cannot afford to Ignore the Immigration issue any longer.
Thank you for taking the "Spin" out of the news. FOX News is what News is supposed to be.
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