Michell Malkin filled in for Bill O'Reilly yesterday while he was away receiving an award. The following is what she had to contend with . . .and I am still fuming about it. I just don't get the double standard that people are trying to sell, or should I say trying to Shove Down Our Throats.
Opio Sokoni said that the use of all this bigoted, foul mouthed name calling of today is the fault of the "White Slave Traders."
The last time I checked, there were NO Slave Traders running around today! Did someone forget to give me the Memo?
People can't keep blaming the problems of today on all of the dead white people of the past. There comes a time that you just have to, plain and simple, accept the blame and the consequences for your own actions. You Do It . . .You Say It . . .You Own It . . .PERIOD!!!
AND that member of the Black Panther Party called Michelle a "Political Prostitute" who was working for a sexist, racist . . .ect, man like Bill O'Reilly.
I despise this kind of name calling. It makes me ill to hear anyone talk this way about others. However, what I hate more is the fact that we have people going around saying things like "White Slave Traders," "Political Prostitute," "White Crackers," and "Honky" and they believe that everyone is supposed to be just fine with that, and all the while they are just waiting and daring anyone else to make an inappropriate remark.
I'm So sorry, but it does Not work that way. You can't run around Being a racist and then Cry racist when it suits your Own purpose.
You know, maybe Someone should have led the charge against Don Imus, but it certainly should NOT have been Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton. They are two of the most RACIST people that I have ever seen! How can they in good conscience lead a moral charge of Racism against ANYONE when they are More Racist than Anyone. Feel free to tell them that they are not fooling anyone with their hypocrisy.
Friday, April 13, 2007
The O'Reilly Factor . . . .
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