Thursday, October 23, 2008

This Should Make Us All Think!

This was posted on John McCain's Wall on Facebook by a lady named Anna.

I had never even thought of this but WOW does it make me go HMMMMMMM!

Barack Obama has put out an ad that simple-minded John McCain cannot use
a computer.

Well guess what: Barack cannot land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier
at night.

If Barack Obama would apply for a job with the FBI or with the Secret
Service, he would be disqualified because of his past association with
William Ayers, a known terrorist.

If he became an officer in any of the Armed Services, he would not
qualify for a top secret security clearance.

If he is elected President he would not qualify to be his own body
(And sadly, one-half of all Americans are ready to vote him into the
highest office in the land.)