OK . . .I have heard all of the recent talk regarding comments made by Rosie O'Donnell and the response made by Bill O'Reilly.
I do agree that the clip of Rosie talking about WTC7 should have been the complete sentence that she made. Had they included the entire sentence, people would have heard that although she did believe that WTC7 was taken down by explosives, that she had No Idea Who could have done it. Rosie may indeed believe that our own government conspired to take down WTC7 . . . .I personally believe that the questions that she poses are very leading in that direction . . . .but none of us know for sure that this is what Rosie believes . . .for these words have not come from Rosie's lips.
As a Big fan of FOX News, I have to say that you dropped the ball on some of the responses made in regards to what Rosie said.
NOW . . .On the flip side of this coin. Rosie did state as Fact that the British planned all along for their own military personnel to be taken as hostages by Iran in order to give the US & Britain a valid reason to go to war with Iran.
I personally find this an outrageous idea and can't fathom ever saying such a thing myself unless I had some facts, Any facts, to back it up.
I can find no fault with any FOX News responses regarding the British Hostages.
We must all realize that it is Rosie's job to state her Opinion . . .NOT the News . . .Her Opinion. As outrageous as we may believe some of her statements to be, they are just her Opinion.
Bill O'Reilly's job is to cover News . . .throw his opinion out there . . . .and usually have someone on his show who opposes his opinion. As I stated at the beginning of this post, it's not perfect, but it is the most fair and balanced news channel I have found that almost Always represents All sides of any story. I don't watch the news 24/7, so I can't say 100% Always. . . .but I can say that when I Have watched All sides are represented. It makes for balanced viewing that Anyone can watch no matter which side of the fence you sit on.
From the clips that I have seen of The View, Elisabeth's views do oppose Rosie's . . . .BUT . . .Poor Elisabeth can't hold her own against Rosie. Rosie is a very outspoken person, and Elisabeth can't get a word in edgewise. Don't get me wrong . . .I think that being outspoken can be a very good thing. . . .BUT . . .In order for The View to be a Fair and Balanced show, they need someone EQUALLY outspoken who opposes Rosie's views. It would not only take the one-sidedness out of the equation, it would make the show so much more interesting.
As far as the Bill & Rosie thing goes, this is how I see it. She exercised her freedom of speech . . .then he exercised his. Now you are free to exercise yours too. LOL! Some say that Rosie's statements are irresponsible . . . .maybe so . . .but I give people the credit for having the intelligence to decide this for themselves.
There are many things that I DO admire about Rosie and there are a few issues that I do agree with her on. There are also Many issues where we couldn't possibly see things more differently . . . . .BUT . . . . .That is what makes the world go round.
What actual good does it do to get Angry and Hate someone because they do not think as you do? Oh yes . . .Sometimes I just don't get it when people don't see things the way that I do . . . .But Hey . . .They may feel the same way about me. LOL! I don't see that as a reason to get angry and hate.
A friend once told me that to get Angry and Show your Temper is a CHOICE that you make. You can just as easily CHOOSE NOT to get angry. A very hard lesson that I have learned over the years is that when I get angry, I am the person who gets hurt the most.
When you are angry you tend to become illogical and rant. You say things that you don't mean and that you can't take back. You probably also give yourself a headache and expel all of your energy in this awful emotion, leaving yourself totally drained and exhausted. I don't always succeed . . . .but for the most part . . .I CHOOSE NOT to get angry.
Here's hoping that the BO & RO issue fades quickly.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Just My Opinion . . . .
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: War On Terrorism
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