Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Write Your Representatives . . . .

People . . . . .

If you believe that providing Amnesty to the 12,000,000 - 20,000,000 Illegal Aliens that are currently living in the United States will have massive consequences for us on a multitude of levels, (not the least of which are economic & political), then you need to send letters out to your Senators and Congressmen immediately to let them know how you feel on this issue.

Read this article posted by Lou Dobbs today:

Big media hides truth about immigration

You can also read the letter that I sent to all of my representatives:

Letters Sent . . . .


Roe said...

I gave them my 2 cents worth.

Lu said...

Good For You BeBe!!! Now if only Everyone would send in a couple of cents worth!! XOXOXOXOXO